

小学英语教案设计:How do you come to school?

发布时间: 2021-01-04 15:47:35

修改时间: 2021-01-04 15:47:35

阅读量: 3054

作者: 闽试教育

对于小学英语,越是简单的知识,越难教学。闽试教育根据大纲要求,特意为大家整理了一篇小学英语教案设计How do you come to school?.相信认真看完的小伙伴们,对于丰富您的学科知识与教学能力一定会有所帮助。

小学英语教案设计:How do you come to school?


1. 交流复习本课句型。

2. 熟练掌握bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro等交通工具类单词。

3. 理解与掌握tr 在单词中的发音规律。

4. 在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。

5. 在理解Cartoon time的基础上,进行创造性地输出。


1.能正确理解,朗读cartoon time的故事。



Step1.warm up.

1.Free talk each other. T提示:电动车electrombile

2.Sing the song.

Step 2 Retell the text

Show on the mind map

1、Look at the map and retell the text.

2、Work in groups.

Step 3Think and guess

1)T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game. Please think and guess what transport it is.

It has 2 wheels. We can ride it.

S: It’s a bike..

T: Yes. I ride a bike to school. And I also can say I go to school by bike.

(复习“by bike”)

2)T: Next, it has 4 wheels. Someone drives it and we need to pay.

S: It’s a taxi.

T: You’re right. I say “ We take a taxi to the cinema.” Can you say it in another way?

S: We go to the cinema by taxi.

(复习by taxi)

3)T: Good. It has many wheels. It is very long.

S: It’s a train.

T:I say “She takes a train to Shanghai.”

S:I say “She goes to Shanghai by train.”

(复习by train)

4)T: Next, it is a big boat and it goes on water.

S: It’s a ship.

T:I say “They take a ship to Hainan.”

S:I say “They go to Hainan by ship.”

(复习“by ship”)

5)T: Next, it’s also very long, but it goes underground.

S: It’s a metro.

T: Yes. I say “Miss Zou takes a metro to the bookshop.”

S:I say “Miss Zou goes to the bookshop by metro.”

(复习“by metro”)

6)T: Next, it has two wings. It can fly.

S: It’s a plane.

T:I say “Mr Chen takes a plane to Australia.”

S:I say “Mr Chen goes to Australia by plane.”

(复习“by plane”)

7)T: The last one. And this is Mrs Xu. Mrs Xu walks to the bookshop.

S: Mrs Xu goes to the bookshop on foot.

(复习“on foot”)

8)T: Next, it is a public transport, it can carry many people and it goes on road.

S: It’s a bus.

T:Yes. I say “He takes a bus to the theatre.”

S:I say “He goes to the theatre by bus.”

(复习by bus)

Step4Sound time

1)Try to think

Q: What are these things about?

S: They are about traffic transportation.

S: Learn: traffic (train travel tree trousers street)

Learn a rhyme

Traffic, traffic, on the street,

Beep beep, beep beep!

Trains, trains, through the trees,

Choo-choo, choo-choo!

(a) Read after the computer

(b) Learn the words

(c) Read in groups

(d) Let’s PK!

2) Pronunciation

T: Can you find out any rules?

S: They all have “tr”and it sounds /tr/

3)Try to read more words with “tr”?

4) Read and group

5)Ticking time

Step 5 Cartoon time

1)Look and say

Q:Is Bobby a good driver? Why?

2)Watch and judge

1.Sam has a new bike.

2.Bobby likes riding his bike in the park.

3.Bobby can go to school by bike.

4.Sam rides his bike to school.

3) Read and judge



S: Learn the new words: ride, too young, show, in the basket

4) Try to think

T: Q: We know Bobby can’t go to school by bike. Because he is too young.

Can Sam go to school by bike? Why?

S: No,he cannot. Because Sam is young too.

5) Happy reading

1.Read after the computer (听录音,逐句跟读,注意语音语调。学生加上自己的表情和动作)

2.Reading time (以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读课文)

( 注意Bobby的情感变化 happy→unhappy)

6) Acting time

(两人一组表演,注意语音、语调,演出 Bobby 和他父亲不同的心情和语气,还可以加上补充的话或自我发挥。)

7)Design an ending

T:Q: What will happen at last?



T:Can you come to school by bike?

S:No,I can’t.


S:Because I’m too young.

T:In China, the student over 12 years old can ride a bike.


Step 5 Homework

1. Listen ,read and act “Cartoon time”.

2. 收集有关发/tr/的音的单词,熟读 Sound time中的内容。



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